To participate, you must be a member of a University Investment League.
Teams with 4 to 6 members will be accepted.
The Process
Participants will have the opportunity to manage a fictitious investment fund over four months.
The 4 top performer funds will reach the end of the competition. The groups will have to present their investment thesis to the judging panel, which will evaluate not only the fund’s return overtime, but also the quantitative management metrics, as well as the presentation.
The winning Fund’s group will receive a trophy and will be able to elect one of its members to represent the winning team on a trip to New York.
JGP will pay for the trip’s tickets, accommodation, and transfers, as well as the participation in the CMT’s annual seminar in the city.
Concorra a uma viagem para New York
Join an exclusive schedule of tours and seminars in the city.

Previous Editions
Unesp . Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) . Centro Universitário FEI . UFSM . Universidade Federal de Pernambuco . Esalq-USP . PUC-Rio . Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro . Universidade Federal da Bahia . unirio – universidade federal do estado do rio de janeiro . CEFET . Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME) . Universidade de São Paulo . FIA Business School . IBMEC – MG . Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro . Universidade Estadual de Maringá . Universidade Federal Fluminense
Liga de Mercado Financeiro Bauru . UFMG Finance Club . FEI Finance . LMF UFSM . UFPE Finance; FCAP Finance . Liga de Mercado Financeiro ESALQ-USP . Liga de Mercado Financeiro PUC-Rio . Liga LIMFIE G2 . Liga de Mercado Financeiro da UFBA . LMF Unirio . Limfie . Wolf Finance CEFET/RJ . Limfie . IME Finance . Clube de Mercado Financeiro FEARP/USP . FIA Finance . Liga de Controladoria e Finanças . Impactus UFRJ . IBFINANCE – Liga de Mercado Financeiro do IBMEC – MG . UERJ FINANCE . CSA Invest . UFFinance
Liga de Mercado Financeiro Bauru . UFMG Finance Club . FEI Finance . Winter Tree Capital . Houston Capital . LQ Asset Management . Alis . Limfie Asset . Cajazeiras FIM . LMFUNIRIO Assets Management . Financials Lin . WOLF FINANCE CEFET/RJ LONG BIASED FIA . Limfie Apex Long Bias FIM . IMPACTUS MERCURY . IME Global Assest FIM . π Capital . Impactus Kairós . Hermes Macro Capital . LCF Asset . Impactus Vincintori . IBFINANCE Am FIM Trend U.S. ETFs . UERJ FINANCE . CSA Invest Institucional FIM . UFFinance JGP
Liga Campeã: Impactus UFRJ – Fundo Campeão – Impactus Vincintori
Eduarda Bensimon, Eduardo Queiroga Reis, João Pedro Queiroz Eduardo, Pedro Henrique Pereira da Silva, Túlio Carvalho Polollo
CEMEC RJ . Cemec MG . Clube de Finanças – UDESC & UFSC . Clube de Finanças e Investimentos da PUC-PR. Clube de Mercado Financeiro . EESC Finance . FINANCEEL . Grupo de Mercado Financeiro . Grupo de Negócios da Escola Politécnica . IBFINANCE – Liga de Mercado Financeiro do IBMEC – MG . IBMEC RJ . IME Finance . Impactus UFRJ . InFinance . Insper Quantitative Finance Club . ITA Finance . Liga de Investimentos da UFRJ . Liga de Investimentos Poli UFRJ . Liga de Mercado Financeiro Bauru . Liga de Mercado Financeiro LQ . Liga de Mercado Financeiro PUC-Rio . Liga de Mercado Financeiro UFBA . Liga de Mercado Financeiro UFSCar Sorocaba . LIMAC . LIMFIE . PUCRS Finance . UFFinance . UFMG Finance Club . UNICAP Bull Market . Wolf Finance
Alpha B Long Biased FIC FIA . Canabarro Long Biased . CBC Global Allocation . Chelonia Mydas Long Bias FIM . CMF . Enigma FIC FIA . Fundo Alis . GMF Capital . GNPartners . Guaicurus Capital . IBFINANCE – IBMEC – MG – LONG BIASED . Ibmec AM FIM . Ibmec Finance Asset . IME Finance . Impactus Classic . Impactus Karamazov . Impactus Lindy . ITA Finance . Liga de Mercado Financeiro . UFBA . LIMAC . LIMFIE Asset . LIMFIE Invest . LMF Bauru Asset Management . LQ Capital . Minerva Capital . Minerva Livermore FIC FIM . Ouroboros Capital . Península Capital . Phantera Asset Management . PUCRS Finance . StoneHedge . UBM Fortuna . UFFinance Vega Hedge . UFMG Alpha . UFTM FI . Valley Finance . Wolf Fidelity Long Biased FIA
Liga Campeã: Wolf Finance — Wolf Fidelity Long Biased FIA
Wolf Finance . FEI Finance . Liga de Mercado Financeiro da FGV-RJ . FGV Finance . FIA FINANCE CEMEC . BFINANCE – Liga de Mercado Financeiro do IBMEC – MG . IME Finance Liga de Mercado Financeiro PUC-Rio . PUCRS Finance . Liga de Mercado Financeiro UERJ . Finance Club . UFFinance . UFFInvest . UFMG Finance Club . UFPE Finance . Liga de Investimentos de Macaé . Liga de Investimentos UFRJ . Impactus UFRJ . LiMFie UFRJ . UFTM . Poli USP . Poli Finance . Liga de Mercado Financeiro LQ . Liga de Mercado Financeiro UFU . Liga de Mercado Financeiro UNIFEI
CEFET Long Bias FIM . BlueRock Partners . Liga de mercado financeiro da FGV-RJ . FGV – Finance . FIA – Finance . Fundo 88 . Supernova . Administração . IBFINANCE .IME – Finance . Fundo Alis . PUCRS – Finance . Lion . Spider . UFFinance . UFFInvest . UFMG – Finance Club . UFPE – Finance . LIMac Smart Beta . Minerva Capital . Impactus Bridgewater . Impactus Haussiers . Impactus Garam . UFRJ – LiMFie . UFTM Finance Club . Liga de Mercado Financeiro UFU . Liga de Mercado Financeiro UNIFEI . GNP Long Biased . Poli Finance . Liga de Mercado Financeiro LQ
Liga Campeã: Grupo de Negócios – GNP Long Biased
Marcel Keniti Koga . Felipe D’Agostino Martins . Victor Tessari . Patrick Menescal Conde Feijó Bittencourt . Rodrigo Gabriel Augusto Cruz
LMF . PUC – Rio . UFFinance . CEMEC (2) . Poli . Impactus (3) . Limfie . Wolf Finance . IFF Macaé
LMF . Fundo Alis . UFFinance . IMEFinance . Tactical . Strategy . Minerva Capital . Bridgewater . Belm . Renaissance . Limfie . Wolf Finance . IFF Macaé
Liga Campeã: Impactus UFRJ – Impactus Bridgewater
Pedro Oliveira Lima . Rômulo Monteiro Santos . Vitor Couto Carvalho . Lucas Delpino Borges .
João Pedro Rodrigues de Oliveira Azul e Silva . Frederico Pontes Nobre . André Felipe Carvalho .
Giovano Victor Simões Junior
LMF . PUC – Rio . UFFinance . CEMEC . Poli . Impactus . Limfie . IMEFinance
CEMEC . Impactus . Limfie Sigma ETFs .Limfie Omega ETFs . Limfie Gama ETFs . Minerva Capital . LMF . IMEFinance . Puc-Rio . UFFinance
Liga Campeã: PUC-Rio – PUC-Rio
Liga de Investimentos FGV . PUC – Rio . CEMEC . Poli . Impactus . Limfie (2) . LIEQ
Falcon FGV . Fundo Alis . Fundo CEMEC American Stocks . Impactus . LIEQ Minerva . Argonautas Invest Fun . Limfie Alpha ETFs . Escola Central
Liga Campeã: Limfie – Limfie Alpha ETFs
Want to experience
the day-to-day life of
a fund manager?
The JGP Challenge gives you the opportunity to experience situations faced by managers in the exercise of their duties.

“The JGP Challenge, like the Asset itself, is unique. We are judged by the market itself, and we learn a lot by developing an appropriate methodology, and then presenting it to the JGP team. The Asset, very relevant in the market, provides university leagues with a professional development opportunity.”
Marcel Keniti Koga
Equipe GNP Long Biased — POLI USP Vencedor do Desafio JGP 2019

“The JGP Challenge was a great learning experience, providing a real-life insight into the daily operations of a fund and the challenges faced by its manager.”
Patrick Menescal Conde Feijó Bittencourt
Equipe GNP Long Biased — POLI USP – Vencedores do Desafio JGP 2019

“The competition, much like the asset manager itself, is unique, as participants are judged by the market, unlike in other competitions. Therefore, I find JGP’s initiative extremely important because it demonstrates the company’s commitment to disseminating knowledge and promoting the financial market among future professionals interested in the field.”
Rodrigo Gabriel Augusto Cruz
Vencedores do Desafio JGP 2019